Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Soap Box Intro

   Social media began as nothing more than simple ways to share photos, updates on life, and maybe a few quotes or thoughts with family members or old friends. The problem, however, is that people have created Facebook and Twitter accounts to use as nothing short of a soapbox. As many times as I've been tempted to verbally combat with some of the ignorance I see on these sites, somehow I always manage to talk my self out of doing so.
    I do believe that everyone needs a place to vent, and let their thoughts be heard at times. However, I also believe that there are some thoughts better left "un-posted." Everyone needs a soapbox and everyone deserves to be heard. I chose to not have my soapbox on Facebook or any other kind of site that is meant for pictures and innocent updates on day to day life. No one is forced to read this nor does it involuntarily show up on your news feed. So here's my blog, my soapbox and my overall thoughts on issues I face in my every day life. Enjoy.  

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